Centro Universitario Teatrale

Laboratorio Scena Erasmus - V ed

Are you an incoming Erasmus student at the University of Catania or else a student enrolled at UNICT?

Would you like to take part in an international drama workshop?

If so, answer the call to take part in the SCENA ERASMUS!

The University of Catania is a joint partner in Erasmus Europe on Scene Network, led by the University of Valencia together with the universities of Marburg (Germany), Padua and Cagliari in Italy, Pamplona (Spain), Lodz (Poland), Sofia (Bulgaria).

The project aims to:

  • create an international acting company for students as an integral part of the network design;
  • provide opportunities for cultural exchange among students from different cultural backgrounds;
  • help Erasmus students from abroad lo learn Italian.

The call is open to incoming Erasmus students throughout the first term 2024-2025 (October-January) and to local students. SCENA Erasmus acting company will be made up of 70% of incoming Erasmus students and a 30% of local students, for a maximum of 20 people. This number will be increased by students, researchers, and EUNICE staff who request it and are present in Catania on mobility. If the number of applications exceeds the number of places available, the greatest possible geographical diversification shall be the criterion by which the selection will be made, along with gender balance and the highest representativeness of studies’ area.

The workshop will take place according to the following schedule: October 11, 14, and 21 at a time to be arranged, and then every Wednesday until December 2024, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., at the University Theatre Center (CUT) located at Piazza Università 13 in Catania.

At the end of the workshop activities, directed by young actresses and actors, a public performance will be staged. Participation is entirely free and no previous drama experience is required.

To apply, please fill out the form below.

Deadline October 6, 2024

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